Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week 4, Part 2 Professional Development Action Plan

Goal: Teachers will learn how to use quality data to improve student success and drive campus improvement decision at Greentree Elementary School.

Person(s) Responsible
Resources/Estimated Cost
Description of Activity

1.Teachers will understand the importance of completing the STaR Chart accurately and on time each year. The data gained from the STaR Chart will be used for campus improvement.
Macaire McDonough-Davies, Instructional Coach
Carol Perkins, Campus Technology Instructional Specialist
January 2010
Professional Development time during teachers’ conference periods: Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Teachers will view the STaR Chart PowerPoint Slide Show prior to completing the STaR Chart Survey

2. Teachers will understand the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 and will become aware of the need to integrate technology across the curriculum.
Nancy Pinkerton, Principal
Linda Pearce, Assistant Principal
Carol Perkins, Campus Technology Instructional Specialist
January 2010
Professional Development full day: January 4, 2010
8:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m.
Teachers will jig saw read different parts of the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020. They will understand the critical nature of making students technology-literate to compete in the global economy of the 21st century.

3. Teachers will learn how to access and use PEIMS data in the on-line grade book system to help develop individual education plans for students at risk.
Macaire McDonough-Davies, Instructional Coach
Carol Perkins, Campus Technology Instructional Specialist
January 2010
Professional Development full day: January 4, 2010
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Teachers will meet in the Computer Lab to access the grade book system. They will learn that PEIMS data is contained in the on-line grade book. They will see that TAKS data is captured in the grade book system, enabling teachers to identify students who require interventions.

4.Reviewing the 2008-2009 AEIS Report.
Nancy Pinkerton, Principal
January 2010
Professional Development full day: January 4, 2010
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Hand outs/copies: $100
Teachers will meet in the library after having lunch with their teammates from 12:00-1:30
Teachers will read through the 2008-2009 AEIS report using handouts and the computer/presenter. Teachers will understand how data is disaggregated in the AEIS report and how the data can be used to identify students at risk and campus improvement goals.

5. Teachers will learn how to post web pages of classroom specific activities on the district’s web site as per the district’s technology improvement plan.
Carol Perkins, Campus Technology Instructional Specialist
Spring 2010 - ongoing
Professional Development days: April 14, April 21, and April 28 during the teachers’ conference planning periods.
In meeting the district’s technology improvement plan, teachers will learn how to use the district’s web site to post activities from their classrooms. Teachers will confirm that students’ pictures and work can be displayed on the district’s web site prior to loading any information to the site.

6. Grade level Team Leaders will meet with administrators to create rubrics to assess technology-related projects such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, and videos.
Nancy Pinkerton, Principal
Kim Gray, K team leader
Terry Putcher, 1st grade team leader, Cindy Hernandez, 2nd grade team leader, Natalie Wilkes, 3rd grade team leader, Katie Castagna, 4th grade team leader, Robin Laurence, 5th grade team leader
February 2010
Professional Development Day: February 15, 2010
Technology-related projects such as blog, wikis, podcasts, and videos are collaborative , so teachers and administrators need to work in that same kind of collaborative environment to measure student achievement on each project. Team leaders and administrators will create rubrics that measure the outcome and process as students begin to construct technological knowledge.

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